If you're involved in crane operations, it's important to know about the ACOP (Approved Code of Practice) for cranes.

This guide will give you the rundown on the crucial safety and compliance requirements for crane-lifted work platforms or mancages. Let's dive in!
Work Platform Design, Manufacturing, and Testing Crane-lifted work platforms need to be designed, made, and tested to meet approved standards, with a minimum impact factor of 1.5. They should be load tested to 1.5 times the Safe Working Load. A Chartered Professional Engineer (CPEng) must design and certify the platform, with their certificate stating the design code, impact factor, class of utilization, and state of loading. The platform's safe working load should be visibly marked.
Platform Safety Features and Construction Work platforms must be equipped with sidewalls or guardrails with midrails and toe-boards, or other suitable barriers like expanded metal or chain mesh. These should be at least 1 meter high and able to withstand specific horizontal and vertical forces. The platform floor should be slip-resistant and free-draining, with electrically insulated platforms having special considerations. Platform gates must be secure, open inwards or slide, and be self-closing.
Access and Maintenance of Platforms A safe means of accessing the platform must be provided, with uniform steps or ladder rungs not exceeding 300 mm in height and having slip-resistant surfaces. Work platforms should be inspected prior to their first use and annually thereafter by a competent person, with records kept of these inspections.
Crane Specifications and Safety Features Cranes used with suspended work platforms must have power lowering capability, with free-fall capability locked out. Anti-two-block devices should be fitted, unless the crane has a fixed hook. All hook safety latches must be fully operational. Cranes operating suspended or fixed/pendulum platforms must not exceed 75% of their safe working load.
Operator Responsibilities and Communication Crane operators must inspect equipment daily before use, be in attendance at all times when a crane-lifted work platform is in use, and operate the crane within the manufacturer's recommendations. Clear communication between platform workers and the crane operator is essential.
Personal Protective Equipment and Harnesses Workers on the platform must wear appropriate safety harnesses, lanyards, and personal protective equipment at all times. There are specific requirements for harness attachment points and conditions under which alternative safety measures, such as life jackets, may be allowed.
Special Considerations and Exceptions Truck loader type cranes and other cranes using fixed or pendulum platforms must have a fixed boom connection between the crane and the work platform, including the relevant Codes of Practice.
Understanding and adhering to ACOP requirements for crane-lifted work platforms and mancages is vital for ensuring safety and compliance in crane operations. By following these guidelines, you can create a safer work environment and minimize the risk of accidents and violations. So, let's keep things safe and sound out there!
Give McLeod a call and we can help with your next project that involves using a mancage.